About EPC
Supporting Recovery in Albuquerque Since 2003

Endorphin Power Company is committed to supporting recovery from substance abuse by providing a wide offering of recovery meetings and classes on-site in our community building as well as single occupancy, transitional housing for people who desire continued, communal support as they recover from substance abuse. We provide a safe, clean, and sober living environment where people become part of a healthy community and are encouraged to set and reach goals. You can read about our staff and board members here as well as our mission below.
Learn even more about us by reading about our Four Pillars Program and viewing our Recovery Meetings & Class calendar.
Our Mission
We at the Endorphin Power Company see substance abuse and homelessness as both an individual and social problem. Our goal is to address that problem on both levels at once. We want to contribute to the greater good by promoting the benefits of healthy-living, healthy connections, and environmental consciousness while also providing a sober and affordable place to live for those recovering from substance abuse.
We are proud to cultivate an environment in which individuals and communities foster health, happiness, and awareness through the “Four Pillars” of education, exercise, community, and service to others.